
Saturday, August 4, 2012

JOHN MNYIKA : Hati ya dharura kuhusu Marekebisho ya Sheria za Hifadhi ya Jamii

Leo tarehe 03 Agosti 2012 kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 68 (7) ya Kanuni za Kudumu za Bunge na kwa kuzingatia kuwa marekebisho yamefanyika kwenye ratiba ya bunge ambapo Mkutano wa Bunge sasa umepangwa kuahirishwa tarehe 16 Agosti 2012 na hoja za wabunge zimeondolewa kwenye ratiba.

Nimeomba muongozo ama Serikali itoe kauli bungeni ya kutengua tangazo lililotolewa na Mamlaka ya Usimamizi na Udhibiti wa Sekta ya Hifadhi ya Jamii (SSRA) ili kuwezesha mafao ya kujitoa kuendelea kutolewa au uongozi wa Bunge uruhusu niwasilishe muswada binafsi wa sheria kwa hati ya dharura tarehe 16 Agosti 2012 kwa ajili ya kufanya marekebisho kwenye sheria husika ili kuruhusu mafao ya kujitoa kuendelea kutolewa.

Pamoja na hatua hiyo ya kuomba muongozo nimechukua hatua ya ziada ya kumwandikia Katibu wa Bunge kumweleza kusudio la kuwasilisha Muswada Binafsi juu ya Marekebisho ya Sheria za Hifadhi ya Jamii (The Social Security Laws (Ammendments) Act wa mwaka 2012 kwa hati ya dharura kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 81 ya Kanuni za Kudumu za Bunge (Toleo la Mwaka 2007).

Lengo la Muswada huo ni kufanya marekebisho yenye kuwezesha kurejeshwa kwa fao la kujitoa (withdrawal benefits) ili kuruhusu kuendelea kutolewa kwa mafao kwa mwanachama wa mfuko ya hifadhi ya jamii anapoacha kazi na kuhitaji kupewa mafao yake kabla ya kufikisha umri wa kustaafu kwa hiari (miaka 55) au kwa lazima (miaka 60) au pale anapopata ulemavu wa kudumu.

Nimeomba kupatiwa ushauri na usaidizi wa kisheria kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 21 (1) (d), (e) na (2) ili kuweza kuandaa Muswada Binafsi wa Sheria kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 81 (1), Taarifa ya Muswada huo kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 81 (2), hati ya kuwasilisha muswada kwa dharura na hoja ya kutengua masharti kuhusu muda wa utangazaji wa Miswada ya Sheria kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 81 (5) ya Kanuni za Kudumu za Bunge (Toleo la Mwaka 2007).

Kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya 81 (5) masharti kuhusu muda wa utangazaji wa Miswada ya Sheria yanaweza kuwekwa kando na kutenguliwa kwa hoja kutolewa na kuamuliwa kama kutawasilishwa Bungeni hati iliyowekwa saini na theluthi mbili ya Wajumbe wote wa Kamati kama ni Muswada wa Kamati na kwa Muswada wa Mbunge hati iliyowekwa saini na Wabunge wasiopungua kumi inayoeleza kuwa muswada binafsi uliotajwa katika hati hiyo ni wa dharura.

Naomba kutoa taarifa kwamba kuanzia jumatatu tarehe 6 Agosti 2012 nitaanza kukusanya saini za wabunge wanaounga mkono kuwasilishwa kwa muswada tajwa kwa hati ya dharura kufanya haraka marekebisho yenye kuwezesha kurejeshwa kwa fao la kujitoa (withdrawal benefits) ili kuruhusu kuendelea kutolewa kwa mafao kwa mwanachama wa mfuko ya hifadhi ya jamii.

Nimeomba pia kwa Katibu wa Bunge kwa mujibu kifungu cha 10 cha Sheria ya ya Haki, Kinga na Madaraka ya Bunge Cap 296 R.E 2002 kupatiwa nakala ya taarifa na nyaraka zifuatazo kwa ajili ya kujiandaa kuwasilisha muswada husika: Social Security Ammendment Act no.5 ya mwaka 2012, Sheria za Hifadhi ya Jamii zinazohusika, Taarifa na mapendekezo yaliyowasilishwa na kupelekea kufutwa kwa mafao ya kujitoa (withdrawal benefits) na maelezo kuhusu hatua ambayo kifungu husika kiliingizwa na hatimaye kupitishwa na Bunge tarehe 13 Aprili 2012.

Pamoja na kuomba taarifa na nyaraka kupitia kwa Katibu wa Bunge natoa mwito kwa wadau wa mifuko ya hifadhi ya jamii kutunipatia maoni na mapendekezo kwa ya kuzingatiwa kwenye Muswada Binafsi wa Sheria ya Marekebisho ya Sheria ya Sheria za Hifadhi ya Jamii (The Social Security Laws (Ammendments) Act wa mwaka 2012 katika kipindi cha wiki moja.

Ikumbukwe kwamba kifungu cha kufuta mafao ya kujitoa kilichozua mgogoro hakikuwepo wakati muswada uliposomwa kwa mara ya kwanza bungeni tarehe 1 Februari 2012 bali kiliwasilishwa kupitia jedwali la marekebisho ya Wizara lililowasilishwa tarehe 13 Aprili 2012 bila malengo na madhumuni yake kuelezwa kwa ukamilifu.

Kupitishwa kwa kifungu hicho kumethibitisha maneno niliyoyatoa bungeni kuwa tumefika hapa tulipo kutokana na ‘uzembe wa bunge na wabunge’ na kwa hili pamoja na mchango nilioutoa bungeni kwa maandishi siku hiyo juu ya haja ya kuwa mfumo mpana zaidi wa pensheni na hifadhi ya jamii (universal pension and social security) pamoja na kuwa sikuunga mkono kifungu husika kilichoingizwa kinyemela naomba radhi kwa wananchi wa Ubungo na wafanyakazi kwa kutokuwasilisha jedwali la marekebisho kupinga kifungu hicho kuingizwa.

Izingatiwe kuwa ili kurekebisha hali hiyo tarehe 27 Julai 2012 kwa nafasi yangu ya Waziri Kivuli wa Nishati na Madini kwa niaba ya Kambi Rasmi ya Upinzani niliitaka Serikali itoe maelezo maelezo kuhusu taarifa zilizotolewa bungeni tarehe 13 Aprili 2012 kuwa wafanyakazi ikiwemo wa migodini kupitia vyama vyao walihusishwa kutoa maoni yaliyopelekea kufutwa kwa fao la kujitoa (withdrawal benefits); suala ambalo Chama Cha Wafanyakazi wa Migodini (TAMICO) kililikanusha.

Hata hivyo, Waziri wa Nishati na Madini wakati wa majumuisho ya Hotuba yake tarehe 28 Julai 2012 hakutoa majibu yoyote bungeni kuhusu suala hilo hali ambayo imesababisha migongano kuendelea katika migodi mbalimbali kuhusu madai hayo hali ambayo kwa taarifa nilizozipata tarehe 1 na 2 Agosti 2012 inaweza kusababisha migomo migodini. Kufutwa kwa fao la kujitoa kumelalamikiwa pia na wafanyakazi na wadau wa hifadhi ya jamii katika Jimbo la Ubungo na katika taifa kwa ujumla.

Hata hivyo, suala hili na tukio husika litumike kama rejea ya bunge na wabunge kuikatalia Serikali kuwasilisha marekebisho yenye athari kubwa kipindi cha mwisho na hivyo wabunge kukosa fursa ya kupata maoni ya wananchi na pia Serikali itakiwe kuomba radhi kufuatia kulipotosha bunge kuwa wadau wa hifadhi ya jamii hususan wafanyakazi na vyama vyao walishirikishwa na kuridhia wakati ambapo wamejitokeza na kukanusha madai hayo yaliyotolewa na Wizara bungeni.

Kwa upande mwingine kufutwa kwa mafao ya kujitoa msingi wake haupo kwenye marekebisho ya sheria yaliyofanyika tarehe 13 Aprili 2012 pekee bali ni udhaifu katika mfumo mzima wa kisera na kisheria wa hifadhi ya jamii nchini hali ambayo inahitaji wadau kutaka mabadiliko makubwa.

Hivyo, naungana na wote wenye kutaka Mamlaka ya Usimamizi na Udhibiti wa Sekta ya Hifadhi ya Jamii (SSRA) kutengua taarifa kwa umma iliyotolewa ya kueleza kuwa “kufuatia kuanza kutumika kwa Sheria hiyo (ya 13 Aprili 2012) maombi mapya ya kujitoa yamesitishwa kwa kipindi cha miezi sita hadi pale miongozo itakapotolewa ili kuwezesha Mamlaka na Mifuko ya Hifadhi ya Jamii kutoa elimu kwa Wadau”.
Aidha, pamoja na Mamlaka kueleza kwamba sitisho la fao la kujitoa si kwa sababu za Kiserikali au Mifuko kufilisika ni vizuri mamlaka ikaeleza kwa uwazi na ukweli sababu zingine za kufanyika kwa marekebisho hayo zaidi ya ile ya kutimiza malengo ya Hifadhi ya Jamii ambayo ni kuhakikisha kuwa Mwanachama anapostaafu anapata mafao bora yatakayomwezesha kumudu hali ya maisha ya uzeeni. Tahadhari za Mkaguzi Mkuu wa Hesabu za Serikali (CAG) katika taarifa za Hesabu za mwaka 2010/2011 na miaka mingine zinaashiria masuala ya ziada ambayo yanaweza kuwa yameisukuma Serikali kuja na mbinu zingine za kuhakikisha uendelevu wa mifuko ikiwemo kupitia marekebisho ya sheria za hifadhi ya jamii.

Ili bunge liweze kutimiza wajibu wa kuishauri na kuisimamia serikali kufanya marekebisho yanayostahili ya sheria husika kwa haraka ni muhimu ratiba ya bunge ikabadilishwa.

Tafsiri ya marekebisho ya ratiba yaliyofanyika ni kuwa hoja binafsi niliyoiwasilisha kwa katibu wa Bunge kutaka bunge lijadili na kupitisha maazimio ya hatua za haraka za kuboresha upatikanaji wa majisafi na ushughulikiaji wa majitaka haitapata nafasi ya kujadiliwa bungeni. Aidha ratiba hiyo mpya hoja binafsi iliyoelezwa kuwa itawasilishwa na Mbunge wa Kisarawe Seleman Jafo kuhusu kufutwa kwa mafao ya kujitoa kufuatia marekebisho ya sheria za Hifadhi za Jamii nayo haitawasilishwa kwenye mkutano huu wa Bunge unaoendelea kama ratiba haitafanyiwa marekebisho.

Hata hivyo, izingatiwe kuwa chanzo cha kufutwa kwa mafao ya kujitoa ni marekebisho ya sheria za hifadhi ya jamii hivyo ufumbuzi wa kurejesha fao la kujitoa unapaswa kuwa ni marekebisho ya sheria hatua ambayo njia ya haraka ya kuifikia ni kuwasilishwa kwa muswada wa sheria ama na serikali au kamati au mbunge badala ya hoja binafsi.

Hoja binafsi inaweza kuwezesha bunge kujadili na kupitisha maazimio ya kuitaka Serikali kuwasilisha marekebisho ya sheria au kuishauri na kuisimamia serikali na mamlaka zake katika utekelezaji wa sheria lakini sheria itaendelea kuwa palepale mpaka marekebisho yatakapofanywa kwa kuwasilishwa muswada wa sheria hatua ambayo nimeamua kuanzisha mchakato wa kuwezesha ichukuliwe.

Wenu katika kuwawakilisha wananchi,

John Mnyika (Mb)



Respecting the Presidency, Our Responsibility


Jayee University College — The sudden demise of the late President Prof. John Evans Attah Mills shocked the entire country and across the globe, as several people from far and near expressed the untimely death of our great leader as a loss not only to the nation, but the entire world, due to his immense contribution towards most of the aspects of human endeavors.

Undoubtedly, he was the only Ghanaian President who received several insults from a section of the Ghanaian public. On no account did he react to the insults he received from the people, who did not believe in his ideologies and principles.

Ironically, after his death, he is now seen as a hero, a good father, a selfless leader, an incorruptible person and what have you. I wondered and asked myself: Is he not the same person some Ghanaians insulted when he was alive? Why did we not say all those good things about him when he lived?

Must the practice of democracy which campaigns for freedom of speech be used as a platform to insult our President, who we referred to as the first gentleman of the land? If indeed we claim we are the beacon of hope for Africa when it comes to the practice of democracy, which means we have gone far, why then must we subject our leader to the highest level of insults all in the name of politics?

Then I want to put it on record that we have not gone far because we do not honour our leaders, but wait till their death before saying good things about them in the form of tributes. This is hypocritical and those behind it must bow down their heads in shame. Showing respect to our President and every person should be a responsibility. Our leaders, especially politicians, must be seen to spear-head this particular course.

The office of the President, believe me or not, is the highest and the biggest office as far as this country is concerned. We should always endeavor to pay respect to the person we have elected to occupy that position, and on no account must this highest office on the land be brought into disrepute and be subjected to various insults.

If a son does not respect his own father, will he be angry when another person insults his father? Politicians must be blamed for all the insults that we hear almost all the time on our airwaves, and they should immediately put a stop to this negative behaviour.

It is worrying whenever we hear insults from the people we respect a lot, make me ask where we are heading to as a people. Why must we then allow politics to divide us and wish that the death of our President must unify us?

This is something we should have done long ago, knowing the fact that the general election is just around the corner, and we need unity and peace to prevail in such difficult times, where most African countries have suffered to achieve such a feat, in terms of conducting elections.

It is a known secret that people are afraid to insult the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in secret, let alone in public, why then must we not give the same prominence, in terms of respect to our President.

Why must we spend so hugely to organise a general election to elect our President through universal adult suffrage, whiles the office itself is not respected? We could have heard many insults today if the President was to be living. Many of us have seen the kind of hypocrisy and selfish interest which are endowed in a section of the Ghanaian populace.

Even though the cause of the death of our President is not known, many believe he was a worried person. revealed that the late President Mills was a worried person, due to certain key national issues. This was contained in a secret conversation between our late President and the Asantehene, which was held in a secret location in Accra, where the former poured his heart out about the piercing key national issues before he (Asantehene) enplaned to Israel to woo investors to Ghana, some few days ago.

Even though the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, according to the source, did not reveal such key national issues that were discussed, we are bound to know such key issues which were worrying our leader.

In a country where unemployment is very high and where we have associations like the Association of Unemployed Graduates, coupled with the highest level of insults, together with the list of judgment debts which dominate the news everyday, and a lot more issues that affected the Presidency. The President was indeed a worried person.

If the late President is today seen as a hero, why did we not honour him long ago? So, what is the essence of the various tributes that have been poured out after his death? If the late President contributed immensely towards the development of sports in the country, why did we not name the National Hockey Pitch in Accra after him, when he was alive and kicking, but wait after his demise?

This was long over due. We will never know what we have until we lose it. These are all lessons we as a people must learn from and always make things right and put an immediate end to all the insults in the name of politics.

As the time draws near for Ghanaians to go to the polls, I edge every individual to know that its peace that we all want and nothing else. Politicians should also exhibit a high sense of professionalism in the discharge of their duties and charge their followers to remain calm at all times. We should always endeavour to honor our leaders when they are alive and not after they are no more.

Whigham Robert Dundas Jayee University College.

Anglo-German Treaty [Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty] (July 1, 1890)

Volume 5. Wilhelmine Germany and the First World War, 1890-1918

Anglo-German Treaty [Heligoland-Zanzibar Treaty] (July 1, 1890)

This treaty temporarily settled colonial disputes between Germany and Great Britain. It recognized Tanganyika as a German colony; in return, the Germans abstained from further encroaching into British Kenya. The agreement ceded Heligoland, an island off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein in the North Sea, to Germany. Because the treaty appeared to abandon German colonial claims to much of east Africa, it unleashed a storm of nationalist protest at home.

The undersigned:

Chancellor and General of the Infantry von Caprivi,

Legation Councilor at the Foreign Office Dr. Krauel,

Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinaire and Plenipotentiary Sir Edward Baldwin

Chief of the African Department of Her Majesty's Foreign Office Sir Henry Percy,

have, on behalf of their respective governments, reached the following agreement after deliberating on various issues pertaining to the colonial interests of Germany and Great Britain:

Article I

In East Africa, Germany's sphere of influence is demarcated thus:

1. To the north by the line that commences on the northern bank of the mouth of the Umba River, runs directly to Lake Jipe and, after passing along the eastern shore and around the northern shore of that lake, crosses the Lumi River and bisects the territories of Taveta and Chaga. Skirting the northern slope of the Kilimanjaro range, this line continues to the point on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria Nyanza that is intersected by the 1st degree of south latitude. It crosses the lake on this parallel and follows it to the border of the Congo Free State, where it terminates. It is understood, though, that the German sphere of interest on the western side of the aforementioned lake does not include Mount Mfumbiro. Should it turn out that this mountain lies to the south of the aforementioned parallel of latitude, the line of demarcation shall be drawn so as to exclude the mountain from the German sphere of interest; but the line shall nonetheless terminate at the previously described point.

2. To the south by the line that starts on the coast of the northern border of Mozambique Province and follows the course of the Rovuma River to the point where the Messinge flows into the Rovuma. From here the line runs westward on the parallel of latitude to the shore of Lake Nyasa. Turning north, it continues along the eastern, northern, and western shores of the lake until it reaches the northern bank of the mouth of the Songwe River. It then continues up that river to its intersection point with the 33rd degree of east longitude. The line continues along the river until its closest point with the border of the geographical Congo Basin as described in Article I of the Berlin Conference and marked on the map appended to its ninth protocol. From here the line runs directly to the previously described border, follows this to the point of intersection with the 32nd degree of east longitude, turns and continues directly to the meeting point of the northern and southern branches of the Kilambo River. It follows that river until it enters Lake Tanganyika.

The course of the planned border has been specified in accordance with the map of the Nyasa Tanganyika Plateau that was officially drawn up for the British government in 1889.

3. To the west by the line that coincides with the border of the Congo Free State between the mouth of the Kilambo River and the 1st degree of south latitude.

In Southwest Africa, Great Britain's sphere of influence is demarcated thus:

1. To the south by the aforementioned line running from the mouth of the Umba River to the point on the border of the Congo Free State intersected by the 1st degree of south latitude. It includes Mount Mfumbiro.

2. To the north by the line that, beginning on the shore of the northern bank of the Juba River, runs along this bank and traces the border of the area reserved for Italian influence in Gallaland and Abyssinia. It extends to the Egyptian borders.

3. To the west by the Congo Free State and by the western watershed of the Upper Nile Basin. Article II

To implement the demarcation line as described in the previous article, Germany shall withdraw from its protectorate over Witu in favor of Great Britain. Great Britain agrees to recognize the sovereignty of the Sultan of Witu over the area extending from Kipini to the point opposite the Island of Kweihu defined as the border in 1887.

Furthermore, Germany shall give up its protectorate over the coastal area bordering on Witu and extending to Kismayo. It shall also renounce its claims both to the territories on the mainland north of the Tana River and to the islands of Patta and Manda.

Article III

In Southwest Africa, Germany's sphere of influence is demarcated thus:

1. To the south by the line that commences at the mouth of the Orange River and continues up its northern bank to its intersection point with the 20th degree of east longitude.

2. To the east by the line that commences at the aforementioned point and follows the 20th degree of east longitude to its intersection point with the 22nd degree of south latitude. The line then traces this degree of latitude eastward to its intersection with the 21st degree of east longitude, follows this degree of longitude northward to its intersection with the 18th degree of south latitude, runs along this degree of latitude eastward to its intersection with the Chobe River. Here it descends the thalweg of the main channel until it meets the Zambezi, where it ends.

It is understood that under this arrangement Germany shall be granted free access from its protectorate to the Zambezi by means of a strip of land not less than twenty English miles wide at any point.

Great Britain's sphere of influence is bounded to the west and northwest by the previously described line and includes Lake Ngami.

The course of the planned border has been specified in general accordance with the map officially prepared for the British government in 1889.

The fixing of the southern border of the British territory of Walvis Bay shall be subject to arbitration unless both powers reach a border agreement within two years after the signing of this treaty. Both powers agree that, as long as the border issue is unresolved, not only passage but the transport of goods through the disputed territory shall be free for subjects of both powers. They also agree that their subjects shall be treated equally in every respect in this territory. No duty shall be levied on goods in transit and the territory shall be deemed neutral until such time as this issue is resolved.

Article IV

In West Africa:

1. The border between the German protectorate of Togo and Great Britain‟s Gold Coast Colony begins at the border mark determined by both powers‟ commissioners during negotiations on

July 14 and 28, 1869. It extends northward to the parallel circle at 6° 10„ north latitude. From there it traces this degree of latitude westward to the left bank of the Aka River and ascends along the thalweg to the parallel of latitude at 6° 20‟ north latitude. It follows this degree of latitude westward to the right bank of the Dchawe or Shavoe River and runs along this bank to the parallel of latitude defined by the intersection of the Deine River and the Volta. It then traces this degree of latitude westward to the Volta. Here it ascends the left bank of the Volta to the neutral zone agreed upon in the Treaty of 1888 that starts at the junction of the Dakka River and the Volta.

Both parties agree upon conclusion of this treaty to withdraw all their civil servants and employees from the territory that is assigned to the other by the borders defined above.

2. After it has been satisfactorily proven to both governments that no river exists on the Gulf of Guinea corresponding to the river that is marked on maps as the Rio del Rey and mentioned in the Treaty of 1885, a provisional borderline shall be adopted between the German territory of Cameroon and the adjoining British territory. This borderline shall start at the head of the Rio del

Rey Creek and run directly to the point at roughly 9° 8‟ of east longitude marked as “Rapids” on the British Admiralty map.

Article V

It is understood that treaties or agreements concluded by, or for the benefit of, one of the two powers in the areas north of the Benue River shall not interfere with the other power‟s right to engage in trade, freely and without duties, on routes to and from the shores of Lake Chad. Both powers are obliged to report to each other all agreements that they reach in the territories between the Benue and Lake Chado.

Article VI

Any correction of the demarcation lines described in Articles I to IV that becomes necessary due to local requirements may be undertaken by agreement between the two powers.

It is understood, in particular, that commissioners will meet as soon as possible to undertake such a correction with regard to the borders described in Article IV.

Article VII

The two powers agree that they shall not interfere in the sphere of influence assigned the other by Articles I to IV. They shall not, in the other‟s sphere of influence, make acquisitions, sign treaties, accept sovereign rights or protectorates, or prevent the other from expanding its influence.

It is understood that companies or individuals subject to one power shall not be permitted to exercise sovereign rights in the sphere of influence assigned the other, except with the consent of the latter.

Article VIII

Both powers agree to apply the provisions of the first five articles of the General Act of the 1885 Berlin Conference in all areas of their territories located within the free trade zone described in this Act and to which its first five articles are applicable on the day of the conclusion of the present treaty. According to these provisions, trade is free; shipping is free on lakes, rivers, canals and their ports for both flags; unequal treatment as regards transport or coastal trade is prohibited; goods of either origin shall not be subject to taxes other than those raised to cover trade-related outlays, unequal treatment excluded. Transit duty may not be levied, and monopolies and privileged commercial treatment may not be granted.

The subjects of both powers have the right to settle freely in either power‟s territories, provided that these are located in the free trade zone.

It is understood, in particular, that, in accordance with these provisions, the transport of goods by both sides shall not be subject to any obstacles or transit duties between Lake Nyasa and the Congo Free State, between Lake Nyasa and Lake Tanganyika, on Lake Tanganyika, and between this lake and the northern border of both spheres of influence.

Article IX

Trading concessions, mining concessions, and property rights that companies or private persons subject to one power have acquired within the sphere of interest assigned the other shall be recognized by this latter power insofar as their validity is satisfactorily proven. It is understood that concessions shall be pursued in accordance with valid local laws and regulations.

Article X

The missionaries of both powers shall enjoy full protection in all territories in Africa that belong to one of the two powers or are in its sphere of influence. Religious tolerance, freedom of all forms of worship, and freedom of religious instruction shall be ensured.

Article XI

Great Britain shall bring to bear her full influence on the Sultan of Zanzibar to facilitate an amicable agreement by which the Sultan unconditionally cedes to Germany the Island of Mafia and his territories on the mainland (including dependencies) that are referred to in the existing concessions of the German East Africa Company. It is understood that His Highness shall receive fair compensation for the loss of revenue resulting from this cessation.

Germany agrees to recognize the British protectorate over the remaining territories of the Sultan of Zanzibar, including the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. Germany will also recognize the British protectorate over the territories of the Sultan of Witu and the adjacent territory extending to Kismayo, from which the German protectorate will be withdrawn. It is understood that, if the cessation of the German coast has not been made before Great Britain assumes its protectorate over Zanzibar, Her Majesty‟s government, upon establishment of said protectorate, shall use all its influence to induce the Sultan to make the cessation as soon as possible in return for fair compensation.

Article XII

1. Pending approval by the British parliament, Her British Majesty shall grant sovereignty over the Island of Heligoland and all its facilities to His Majesty the German Kaiser.

2. The German government shall grant natives of the ceded territory the right to choose British citizenship by a declaration to be made by themselves or, in the case of underage children, by their parents or guardians before January 1, 1892.

3. Natives of the ceded territory and their children born before the day on which this treaty is signed shall be exempt from compulsory military service in the German army and navy.

4. The currently valid local laws and practices will remain unchanged wherever possible.

5. The German government agrees not to raise, until January 1, 1910, the customs tariffs currently in force in the ceded territory.

6. All property rights acquired by individuals or existing corporations in Heligoland under the British government shall remain intact. Any obligations linked to these shall pass to His Majesty the Emperor of Germany. The term “property rights” includes Lloyd‟s signaling rights.

7. The rights of British fishermen shall remain unaffected, including the right to anchor in all weather, take on provisions and water, make repairs, transship goods, sell fish, land and dry nets.

Berlin, July 1, 1890

von Caprivi R. Krauel

Edward B. Malet H. Percy Anderson

Source: Das Staatsarchiv, Sammlung der offiziellen Aktenstücke zur Geschichte der Gegenwart [The State Archive, Collection of Official Documents Relating to Contemporary History]. Leipzig, Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, 1891, vol. 51, p. 151.

Translation: Adam Blauhut

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Kenya


Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mtwara Joseph Simbakalila akisalimiana na ofisa Mkuu wa mauzo na usambazaji wa Vodacom Tanzania,Bw.Hassan Saleh,wakati alipomtembelea ofisini kwake kwa ajili ya kumuelezea mikakati mbalimbali ya Vodacom ya kusaidia jamii hususani elimu na vikundi mbalimbali vya wanawake mkoani humo,Ofisa huyo yupo mkoani humo kwa ajili ya kampeni ya Ramadhan Care & Share inayolenga kufuturisha watoto yatima zaidi ya 500 wakati huu wa mfungo wa Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan,kushoto ni Mkuu wa Vodacom Foundation Bw.Yessaya Mwakifulefule na katikati ni Mkuu wa Vodacom kanda ya kusini Bw.Mac Minja.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mtwara Joseph Simbakalila akisisitiza jambo kwa ofisa Mkuu wa mauzo na usambazaji wa Vodacom Tanzania,Bw.Hassan Saleh(kushoto)wakati walipomtembelea ofisini kwake kwa ajili ya kumuelezea mikakati mbalimbali ya Vodacom kusaidia jamii hususani elimu na vikundi mbalimbali vya wanawake mkoani humo,Ofisa huyo yupo mkoani humo kwa ajili ya kampeni ya Ramadhan Care & Share inayolenga kufuturisha watoto yatima zaidi ya 500 wakati huu wa mfungo wa Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan,katikati ni Mkuu wa Vodacom kanda ya kusini Bw.Mac Minja.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mtwara Joseph Simbakalila akiongea na baadhi ya wafanyakazi wa Vodacom Tanzania,walipomtembelea ofisini kwake kwa ajili ya kumuelezea mikakati mbalimbali ya kampuni yao ya kusaidia jamii hususani elimu na vikundi mbalimbali vya wanawake mkoani humo,wafanyakazi hao wapo mkoani humo kwa ajili ya kampeni ya Ramadhan Care & Share inayolenga kufuturisha watoto yatima zaidi ya 500 wakati huu wa mfungo wa Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan,kutoka kushoto Meneja Mahusiano ya umma wa kampuni hiyo Bw.Matina Nkurlu.Mkuu wa Vodacom Foundation Bw.Yessaya Mwakifulefule,Ofisa Mkuu wa mauzo na usambazaji Bw.Hassan Saleh,Mkuu wa Vodacom kanda ya kusini Bw.Mac Minja.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mtwara Joseph Simbakalila akimsikiliza ofisa Mkuu wa mauzo na usambazaji wa Vodacom Tanzania,Bw.Hassan Saleh(kushoto)akiongea wakati alipomtembelea ofisini kwake kwa ajili ya kumuelezea mikakati mbalimbali ya Vodacom ya kusaidia jamii hususani elimu na vikundi mbalimbali vya wanawake mkoani humo,Ofisa huyo yupo mkoani humo kwa ajili ya kampeni ya Ramadhan Care & Share inayolenga kufuturisha watoto yatima zaidi ya 500 wakati huu wa mfungo wa Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan,katikati ni Mkuu wa Vodacom kanda ya kusini Bw.Mac Minja.
Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mtwara Joseph Simbakalila akisisitiza jambo kwa wafanyakazi wa Vodacom Tanzania mara baada ya kumaliza mazungumzo walipomtembelea ofisini kwake kwa ajili ya kumuelezea mikakati mbalimbali ya kampuni yao kusaidia jamii hususani elimu na vikundi mbalimbali vya wanawake mkoani humo,wafanyakazi hao wapo mkoani humo kwa ajili ya kampeni ya Ramadhan Care & Share inayolenga kufuturisha watoto yatima zaidi ya 500 wakati huu wa mfungo wa Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan,kutoka kushoto Meneja Mahusiano ya umma wa kampuni hiyo Bw.Matina Nkurlu.Mkuu wa Vodacom Foundation Bw.Yessaya Mwakifulefule,Ofisa Mkuu wa mauzo na usambazaji Bw.Hassan Saleh,Mkuu wa Vodacom kanda ya kusini Bw.Mac Minja.


Mayrose Kavura Majinge akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na mkurugenzi wa sheria wa CCM ndg Ruoga mara baada ya kuchukua fomu ya mwenyekiti wa UWT ngazi ya taifa katika makao makuu ya CCM Mkoani Dodoma
Mayrose Kavura Majinge (katikati),akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na mumewe ndg Joseph Kusaga Majinge nje ya jengo la CCM makao makuu Dodoma mara tu baada ya kuchukua fomu ya mwenyekiti jumuiya ya wanawake wa CCM (UWT) ngazi ya taifa
Mayrose Kavura Majinge (Mwenye nguo ya Rangi ya Kijani) akiongea na wandishi wa habari mara tu baada ya kuchukua fomu makao makuu ya CCM Mkoani Dodoma

Aliyekuwa mtangazaji wa Kipindi Cha Mayrose talk show kilichokuwa kikirushwa na Kituo Cha Television Cha Star tv Mayrose Kavura Majinge amejitosa katika kinyang'anyiro cha Kuwania Uwenyekiti wa Umoja wa Wanawake wa CCM (UWT) mara baada ya kwenda kuchukua fomu rasmi ya kugombea uwenyekiti wa Umoja wa Wanawake(UWT) ngazi ya taifa.

Mayrose Kavura Majinge akisalimiana na mkurugenzi wa sheria wa CCM ndg Ruoga mara baada ya kuchukua fomu ya mwenyekiti wa UWT ngazi ya taifa.


P.O.BOX 7447,
Dar es Salaam.
Tel/Fax 255-222 760737


2 Augosti 2012


NB: Kuandika habari bila ATTRIBUTION(kumtaja source WAKO) na kushindwa ku-BALANCE Habari yako kwa MTUHUMIWA katika HABARI unayoandika ni ukandamizaji wa uhuru wa vyombo vya habari na ukiukaji mkubwa wa haki za binadamu –MCQUAIL (2005).

Kwa sababu hiyo ya MAADILI ya fani yetu,TAJA inalaani kwa nguvu zake zote gazeti la MWANAHALISI na SERIKALI kwa kuwa VIRANJA wa KUBINYA UHURU WA VYOMBO VYA HABARI kwani hawa wawili ( MWANAHALISI NA SERIKALI) ni MAADUI HATARI wa maendeleo ya TASNIA YA HABARI na HADHI YA Waandishi wa Habari wasomi na makini hapa Nchini.

Aidha tunashangazwa sana na wale wote wanaoilaumu serikali kwa madai ya kwamba inakandamiza uhuru wa habari na kutetea Gazeti la mwanahalisi eti wanadai linatumia uhuru wa habari kama unavyoelezwa katika katiba. TAJA tunaelewa watu hao wote wakiwemo wanaodaiwa kuwa NGULI wa tasnia ya habari ni watu ambao elimu yao ya TAALIMU YA HABARI INA MASHAKA au ni ndogo kiasi kwamba hawaelewi maana ya uhuru wa vyombo vya habari kitaaluma duniani kote MAANA YAKE.

Duniani kote wasomi wa tasnia ya habari wanajua vigezo vya kuwepo uhuru wa habari misingi yake mikuu (1) Uandishi wa habari kwa kuzingatia misingi ya fani ya uandishi wa habari (Journalistic genre ethics) ambapo habari yoyote ni lazima iwe na ATTRIBUTION na pili BALANCE isipokuwa inaruhusiwa kuandika bila kutaja jina kama kwa kufanya hivyo utahatarisha usalama wa mtoa habari (source). MWANAHALISI ni MAHIRI katika kuandika habari za upande mmoja (UNBALANCED STORIES) na zinazohusu tukio moja tu. MWANAHALISI kwa kutozingatia maadili ya uandishi wa habari ni mvunjifu mkubwa wa uhuru wa habari hapa nchini na anadhalilisha fani ya UANDISHI WA HABARI NA WANAHABARI WENGINE MAHIRI (WATCHDOGS). TAJA Tuna wasiwasi na wale wote wanaounga mkono uandishi wa habari za MWANAHALISI zisizo attribution NA Balance.

MWANAHALISI ukiwapa ushauri wa kitaaluma wepesi kuitikia lakini HAWATEKELEZI- Rais wa TAJA amewahi kuzungumza na Mhariri, ameishia kuitikia kimaelewano lakini hakuna hatua aliyoichukua “kitaaluma” katika ku-BALANCE habari za upande mmoja wanazolalamikiwa.,Hivyo TAJA hatutafuni maneno na wala hatuoni haya kwamba wao ni WADHALILISHAJI WAKUBWA wa waandishi wa habari makini hapa Nchini na ni WAVUNJAJI WAKUBWA WA UHURU WA VYOMBO VYA HABARI HAPA TANZANIA.Wanaowatetea yawezekana wana AGENDA zao nyingine sio ukiukwaji wa uhuru wa vyombo vya habari.

UHURU WA VYOMBO VYA HABARI si ufunguo wa kuandika habari zisizozingatia maadili na weledi wa uandishi wa habari. TAJA inawaomba wale wote wanaotoa mchango kuhusu jambo hili wajiridhishe kwanza na kuijua fani hii wasivyamie tu kama wanavyofanya ndugu zetu wa fani ya sheria eti wapeleke kesi mahakamani(mbona waao mawakili wakivunja maadili ya uwakili hawawapeleki Mahakamani ila wanawafukuza?),sisi tunawauliza kesi gani wakati MWANAHALISI habari zake hazizingatii maadili GAZETI hili pia ni mkosaji kama serikali yenye sheria KANDAMIZI. Hawa wawili hawana tofauti wanalaumiana kwa makosa ambayo wote wanayafanya-wakandamizaji wa uhuru wa habari Tanzania kila mmoja kwa aina yake-hakuna wa KUTETEWA katika MGOGORO HUU.

SERIKALI nayo TUNAILAANI kwa nguvu zetu zote, kwani yenyewe inaongoza kwa ubinyaji UHURU WA HABARI hapa Nchini, ingawa washabiki wa MWANAHALISI wanalalamikia sheria moja tu ya MAGAZETI YA MWAKA 1976 NO 3. Ukweli ni kwamba hiyo inaoonyesha ufinyu wao katika kuelewa ukandamizaji wa Serikali kwa Uhuru wa Habari. HAPA NCHINI.

SERIKALI YA TANZANIA ni kandamizi sana ina zaidi ya sheria 20 ZINAZOBINYA UHURU WA HABARI NCHIN I, aidha hata ukiifuta hiyo sheria ya mwaka 1976 ukaacha mlolongo nilioutaja bado hujatatua tatizo la ukosefu wa uhuru wa vyombo vya habari Nchini. UTATUZI ni kuandikwa sheria mpya ya upatikanaji habari na kufuta zote kandamizi zilizopo,lakini SIO KUTETEA UANDISHI HOLELA WA AINA YA MWANAHALISI USIOZINGATIA JOURNALISTIC GENRE ETHICS.

TAJA tunasema wasiokuwa wasomi katika fani hii wasidandie HOJA HII NYETI yahitaji wasomi wa fani hii ambao kwa sasa tupo na tumemaliza Vyuo vikuu sio mazoea eti mtu akiwa mwandishi wa miaka mingi NGULI –mawazo hayo yamepitwa na wakati-TUSOME TUELEWE VYEMA MAANA YA UHURU WA HABARI ILI TUELEWEKE DUNIANI SIO KUTETEA WAVUNJA MAADILI YA FANI YETU-“TUNAJIAIBISHA WENYEWE MBELE YA WENYE WELEDI KAMA VILE JIRANI ZETU KENYA”


Tunazungumza kisomi na tunaomba tueleweke,TAJA haiungi mkono sheria ya magazeti ya mwaka 1976,lakini kitendo cha kufungia gazeti lolote lisilozingatia maadili ya uandishi wa habari hata baada ya kupewa ushauri TAJA TUNAKIUNGA MKONO ili kuweka heshima ya fani yetu,isiendelee kuchezewa kama kichwa cha MWENDAWAZIMU.

1). Tunaomba serikali IUNDE jopo la wasomi wa fani ya habari kutoka CHUO Kikuu HURIA, UDSM, SAUT na TUMAINI Iringa tukae na hao wanaotetea MWANAHALISI NA kulaumu SERIKALI peke yake ili UMMA ueleweshwe jambo hili linavyopotoshwa na wanaojiita NGULI wa habari, matatizo ya tasnia ya Habari Nchini imevamiwa na watu wasio Wataalamu wa Fani hii na wengine hawana hata Diploma tu za fani ya Uandishi wa habari au Mawasiliano ya UMMA lakini wamejipa majina ya NGULI (expert- kawaida mtu expert anategemewa kuwa angalau na M.A kama si PhD na kadhalika kwani tulio nao hawana hata Diploma zinazotambulika katika fani),ndio wanatupa taabu katika kuharibuTasnia hii Nchini kwa kujifanya kwamba wanafahamu sana UHURU WA VYOMBO VYA HABARI,KUMBE WANACHOFAHAMU NI KINYUME.

2) Tunaomba wale wote wanaojitokeza na kujitambulisha kuifahamu fani ya habari na dhana ya uhuru wa habari wasiwe wanazungumza kiholela hii ni fani yenye wasomi, hivyo pia watutajie C.V zao ili tujiridhishe na maoni yao tujue ya kitaalamu au ya aina ya kijiweni?



MWISHO. TAJA tunampongeza Mhe. Saed Kubenea Mkurugenzi wa MWANAHALISI, kwa kuongeza elimu yake Nje na kurudi nchini.Tunamshauri atumie elimu hiyo aliyoipata kuweka heshima ya TASNIA yetu badala ya kuidhalilisha kwa kuandika habari zisizo, ATTRIBUTIO, BALANCE,TRUTH –Sisi tunadhani anaweza kulisaidia gazeti lake ambalo KITAALUMA kwa sasa linajitambilisha kwa pwaya halizingatii MAADILI .



Mob: 0786450000.

CC-Mitandao ya Jamii na vyuo vikuu.


Your Excellency Dr. Mohammed Gharib Bilal, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania;

Your Excellency Dr. Ali Mohammed Shein, President of Zanzibar and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council;

Honourable Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda, Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania;

Honourable Anne Makinda, Speaker of the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania;

Honourable Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, Minister and Chief Executive Officer of the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Malaysia;
Honourable Ministers;

Ambassador Ombeni Sefue, Chief Secretary and Head of Public Service;
Dr. Abdulhamid Yahya Mzee, Chief Secretary, Zanzibar;
Permanent Secretaries;

Distinguished facilitators from PEMANDU;
Ladies and Gentlemen;

I am pleased to welcome you all to this unique seminar on Transformation of Government Delivery Systems. To you Dato’ Idris Jala and the entire team from Malaysia and the United States, I say welcome to Tanzania and welcome to Dodoma. In a very special way let me sincerely thank the government of Malaysia for allowing you and your colleagues to come and share with us the experience of Malaysia. I also commend Dr. Philip Mpango, the Executive Secretary of the Planning Commission and his staff for organizing this important Seminar so well. To all my fellow participants may you realize that this is a rare opportunity for us so we must utilize well.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
The idea of holding this Seminar was conceived in May 2011 during my participation at the Langkawi International Dialogue that took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was during that meeting the Malaysian government shared with Heads of State and Government attending the meeting, two of their development models. These were the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). All of us were fascinated by these models and wanted to learn more about Malaysia’s experience, particularly its delivery systems. The idea hidden behind the minds of all of us was the wish to learn more about these models and see how to emulate their good examples.

The government of Malaysia accepted our request and organized a special seminar in November 2011 on the Big Fast Results (BFR) approach. They invited senior officials from different countries of the Smart Partnership Movement to participate. We sent a delegation led by Dr. Phillip Mpango, the Executive Secretary of the Planning Commission, to attend the Seminar. Indeed, the delegation came back home excited and eager to see our government use the BFR methodology to help us perform better in the discharge of our responsible.
It is worth mentioning that the Prime Minister of Malaysia did a special favour to me when he agreed to allow Dato’ Idris Jala to give Tanzania extra tuition after the general briefing to all Heads of State and Government. It was during this private session that I requested Dato’ Idris Jala to come to Tanzania and conduct this seminar to my Cabinet and other senior government officials. It is heartwarming, indeed, that we have him and his powerful team with us this morning.

On return from the November, 2011 seminar, Dr. Mpango and his team began preparations for this seminar. They worked tirelessly with PEMANDU and Mckinsey to develop ideas and concretise the preparations of holding this seminar. This event today, therefore, is the outcome of the tremendous efforts of the Planning Commission of Tanzania and PEMANDU of Malaysia. Personally, I have been anxious to see this seminar is held because I thought what I learnt in Malaysia was worth sharing with the top echelons of my government. I believe learning the ABCs of Big Fast Results approach will interest all of us gathered here and inspire us to do better.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Many of you here may know that at our independence in 1961, the per capita income of Mainland Tanzania was about the same level as that of India and Pakistan. More interesting, our economic structure was generally similar to that of India, Pakistan and to some extent that of Malaysia. The economies of all the four countries were characterized by heavy dependency on agriculture. For example, in Tanzania the contribution of agriculture to GDP was 59 percent, Pakistan 45 percent, India 42 percent, and Malaysia 36 percent. The share of manufacturing sector in each of those four countries was less that 15 percent of GDP.

After 50 years, one can no longer compare Tanzania with those other three countries. They have just moved too many steps up the ladder of socio-economic transformation and development. While Tanzania remains undeveloped, heavily depending on agriculture with a low per capita income of US dollar 550, India, Pakistan and Malaysia have transformed their economies to remarkable levels. They have become highly industrialized and the share of agriculture has diminished significantly although it remains highly productive. These countries are big exporter of food and manufactured goods.
With regard to Malaysia, her story is even more fascinating. The country has been transformed incredibly from a commodity-based economy focusing on rubber and tin at independence in 1957 to one of the world’s largest producers of electronics and electrical products. They make cars and military hardware including sub-marines.

Malaysia is now a high middle income, export-oriented economy with per capita income close to US dollar 10,000. Their target now is to become a developed country by 2020. Coming from such humble beginnings to what it is today gives us inspiration that we too can make it. That is why I felt learning their examples particularly about how they made it relevant to our country.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
Since 1961 Tanzania’s political leadership both on the mainland and Zanzibar have demonstrated strong political will to see their country develop fast. They identified poverty, disease and ignorance as the most critical challenges to the country’s development. Indeed, deliberate and focused efforts have been made in order to overcome these challenges. Immediately after the independence the government launched the first development plan for 1961-1964 and later made a longer development plan of 15 years (1964-1980), divided into three equal implementation periods of five years.

Some of you will recall that the implementation of the first two phases were encouraging, but the third phase between 1975-1980 was heavily disrupted by various challenges of the time including drought, fuel crisis and disintegration of the East Africa Community. On top of that, the government was also forced to divert the resources from the development activities to protect the country’s territorial integrity during the Idd Amin invasion in 1978. Later in the mid 1980’s and early 1990’s, in response to the deteriorating economic situation, a major economic shift was made by introducing a market-oriented economy.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
Despite the many challenge encountered in our past planning initiatives, in 1994 the government started the preparations of another long term national development vision whose objective was to help lift millions of Tanzanians out of poverty. Subsequently it meant making the country graduate into middle –income country by 2025.The work of preparing the new national development framework was completed in 1999 and the new blue print document that builds on the National Strategy for Growth and Poverty Reduction as well as sector specific programmes was launched.

As you will recall, in 2008 I established the Planning Commission. Among the major tasks I directed it to do was to undertake a comprehensive review of the Vision 2025 and develop structured systems of guiding its implementation. The Commission dutifully obliged. They came up with both a Reviewed Vision 2025 and proposals for a long Term Development Plan divided into three phases of five years each. In June, 2011 we launched the first of the three Five Years Development Plan covering the period 2011/12 – 2015/16. The main objective of this plan is to remove obstacles to growth and unleash Tanzania’s latent growth potentials.

Ladies and Gentlemen;
Our persistent efforts and commitment have enabled us to post modest progress, especially at the macro-economic level: macro-economic stability has been preserved; expenditure on social services has increased; exports and foreign currency reserves have increased; FDI flow has increased; inflation has been kept in check despite current challenges. We have enjoyed relatively high economic growth rates over the past decade and a half. We have registered a modest increase of per capita income. However despite the encouraging progress we still have long ground to cover as poverty remained a major challenge. Many people still live below the poverty line.

In my view strengthening government delivery systems and improving the performance of the private sector and the individual farmer and worker is the answer. We would be able to adequately translate our wishes inscribed on the many papers and documents into concrete results that would change lives of our people and our nation. Learning from examples of friends who not long ago were at our level could be useful. That is why we have invited our Malaysian friends to come and tell us their story of success and learn from their good examples.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
This Seminar is intended to do that. I would like it to be a turning point towards a journey where plans are effectively implemented; where performance will be measured against clear and concrete deliverables. Let it be a journey of hope that will ensure the first five year development plan and indeed the long-term dream of Vision 2025 is realized in a timely manner. It is a journey of entrenching accountability that will see us move beyond planning and focus more on implementing what we have agreed to do in order to realize socio-economic transformation and development of our country. A journey that we must all embark today and lead Tanzanians and their great country to momentous victory in the fight against underdevelopment, hunger, poverty and deprivation.

Distinguished Participants;
This requires of us all to read all our major national development frameworks including the first five year development plan of 2011/ 12 – 2015/16 and the Vision 2025. We should fully understand the thrust and priorities contained in those frameworks. We must align our policies and sectoral budgets to the objectives of the major national development frameworks. There should be unity of purpose, because all of us are working towards a common goal. But all these efforts would be meaningless if our follow up mechanisms and delivery systems remain weak.
A strong delivery system is a key element to sustainable improvement and development. A weak delivery system breeds a poor service delivery to the public and makes it difficult to break the poverty cycle. In this regard, the time has come for Tanzania to formulate sound delivery frameworks and hold political leaders and top executives responsible for their failures.

Perhaps this Seminar is a good starting point that will enable us to develop a forceful follow up mechanisms. I therefore implore all of you here to be attentive throughout the Seminar and learn the new tested approaches of delivering high quality services to citizens and develop a nation.

Engage facilitators, seek clarification and also share your own experience and frustrations. There is a lot to learn and improve upon.

Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
In conclusion, I want to thank once again the government of Malaysia for accepting our invitation and agreeing to send Honourable Jala and his team. I also thank the Planning Commission for excellent arrangements of the Seminar. We are now ready to listen, learn and be converted. I look forward to a successful Seminar.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Rais Jakaya Kikwete Afungua na Kuhudhuria warsha kuhusu mfumo wa kusimamia Utekelezaji wa Mipango ya Maendeleo

Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete akifungua warsha kuhusu mfumo wa kusimamia utekelezaji wa mipango ya maendeleo kwa mawaziri, makatibu wakuu na wakuu wa taasisi za serikali leo Agosti 4, 2012 katika ukumbi wa St Gaspar mjini Dodoma
Waziri katika ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu wa Malaysia Mhe Idris Jala akitoa mada ya utangulizi katika warsha kuhusu mfumo wa kusimamia utekelezaji wa mipango ya maendeleo kwa mawaziri, makatibu wakuu na wakuu wa taasisi za serikali leo Agosti 4, 2012 katika ukumbi wa St Gaspar mjini Dodoma
Picha juu na Chini ni Washiriki wakimsikiliza Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete wakati akifungua warsha kuhusu mfumo wa kusimamia utekelezaji wa mipango ya maendeleo kwa mawaziri, makatibu wakuu na wakuu wa taasisi za serikali leo Agosti 4, 2012 katika ukumbi wa St Gaspar mjini Dodoma
Rais Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete na viongozi wakuu wa serikali pamoja na wawezeshaji kutoka Malaysia baada ya kufungua warsha kuhusu mfumo wa kusimamia utekelezaji wa mipango ya maendeleo kwa mawaziri, makatibu wakuu na wakuu wa taasisi za serikali leo Agosti 4, 2012 katika ukumbi wa St Gaspar mjini Dodoma.Picha na IKULU

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